
AAUW advocates for the passage and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to guarantee equality, individual rights, and social justice for a diverse and inclusive society.

AAUW Maryland is a membership community changing the climate for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. AAUW Maryland has 12 branches throughout the state and a Maryland online community.

Attend the 2024 Summer Conference in Person or via Zoom

We will be meeting at Grace United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall,  5407 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210 on Saturday July 20, 2024 beginning at 9 AM.  Learn and Connect:  How the Maryland Attorney General’s Office Is Improving Women’s’ Lives and and How to Get the Most out of the AAUW.ORG Website.  Details and driving directions.     REGISTER NOW on Eventbrite  or complete and mail the registration form with a check payable to AAUW Maryland.

The Summer 2024 Marylander is here!

Included in this issue:

  • 2024 AAUW Maryland Summer Conference information
  • President’s Message from Tracy Lantz
  • Thank you and congratulations to AAUW Maryland Leaders
  • AAUW Maryland continued support of NCCWSL
  • Equal Rights Amendment Task Force Update
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Update
  • …and more!

Free salary negotiation training: Work Smart Online

Work Smart Online is a free salary negotiation course to help women better their financial future. This easy, engaging e-tool will teach you to:

• Learn the market value of your skills and experience
• Determine an equitable “target salary”
• Ask for—and get—the pay you deserve

Here’s the best part: The program works! In surveys with our participants, nearly all reported having more confidence and improved negotiating skills after taking the class. After attending a Work Smart program, nearly half of the participants were able to negotiate for a raise, promotion, or higher-paying job.