Volume 93 #3, Spring 2025
President, Heather Reichert | Editor, Susan Wierman | email: aauw-md@aauw.org
Click here to download the PDF version of this issue.
Table of Contents:
- President’s Welcome Message
- 2025 AAUW Maryland State Convention
- Meet the Nominees!
- The AAUW Archives Corps Invites You!
- Spring 2025 Public Policy Update
- Membership Matters
- Kensington-Rockville Branch Activities
- Save the Date for the 2026 Regional Meeting
- Your AAUW Maryland leaders
- Calendar
President’s Message
This is a double President’s Message! First, speaking as the President of Gaithersburg Branch, the branch is very excited to welcome everyone to the 2025 AAUW Maryland Convention. On Friday evening, we are looking forward to hosting a delicious Italian meal at Il Porto (verified – I had dinner there a few nights ago and it was quite popular!) and for Saturday morning Pat Stocker and Kate Campbell Stevenson put together an incredible program.
The venue for the Convention is a beautiful church in Gaithersburg, the Pathways Baptist Church. It is well located near shops, restaurants, I-270 and MD-200. There is plenty of surface parking and an elevator to reach the lower level for the meeting in the Grand Hall.
I am especially proud that we can have a program addressing international matters that relate to women given the current pressure on so many aspects of international assistance and on women in general. We can make a difference by learning the stories of women who may be struggling and finding ways to help. Our morning speakers have extensive international experience and work to help people across Maryland either by passing important legislation or providing guidance on entrepreneurship for immigrant women.
We will also learn about the successful microbusinesses of women in Africa.
Details regarding location and registration are in this Marylander. We urge you to register as soon as possible to avoid the cost increase of late registration. Finally, we want to make this event available to many women in the state, not just AAUW members. Please encourage your friends and family to attend as well. There are special rates for guests and students.
Now, with my AAUW Maryland President hat on, in a small way, I have been trying to make a difference by attending several rallies and protests in Washington, DC. I’m fortunate to have the time to go on different days at various times. I have also attended a few hearings at the Maryland General Assembly this month and started participating in the DC Lobby Corps.
It is a privilege to be able to attend these various events. So many citizens are not able to go. We represent our family, friends, and neighbors when we participate in the legislative process! Right now, there are only a few Maryland members attending Lobby Corps. It would be great if more members could join us! Please ask about it if you are curious.
I can’t wait to see everyone on April 25 and 26!
Heather Reichardt
AAUW Maryland
2025 AAUW Maryland State Convention
Women Supporting Women: Global Influences and Opportunities
Hosted by the Gaithersburg Branch of AAUW – MD
Saturday, April 26, 2025 | Pathways Baptist Church 200 West Diamond Avenue, Gaithersburg MD 20877 | Directions to Pathways Baptist Church
Event Registration: Online Registration | Paper Registration Form
Come together with like-minded women from around the state to discuss local and global issues and explore opportunities for women’s economic security. This event is a great opportunity to network, share experiences, and learn from each other. Let’s learn about how to help make a positive impact locally and globally!
Event Agenda:
- 8:30 AM – Registration & Continental Breakfast
- 9:00 AM – Welcome
- Edie Allison, AAUW Gaithersburg Branch
- Heather Reichardt, AAUW Maryland President
- 9:15 AM – The Challenges and Joys of Immigrating to the US
- Speaker: Delegate Lily Qi
Born in Shanghai, China, Lily Qi grew up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. She immigrated to the US in 1989, became a US citizen in 1999, and now represents the 15th legislative district in the Maryland House of Delegates. She previously served as a chief administrator for economic development under Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett.
- Speaker: Delegate Lily Qi
- 10:00 AM – Break
- 10:15 AM – Panel Discussion: Women Supporting Women Domestically and Globally
- Panelist: Bria Marie Hodge, Director of Small Business Development, Latino Economic Development Center.
The LED’s mission is to serve as a catalyst that drives the economic and social advancement of low-to-moderate income Latinos and other underserved communities. - Panelist: Robyn Nietert, President, Women’s Microfinance Initiative
WMI promotes women’s economic participation through small loans and carries the hope of prosperity to poor, rural areas of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. - Moderator: Kate Stevenson, former Co-President, Maryland AAUW
- Panelist: Bria Marie Hodge, Director of Small Business Development, Latino Economic Development Center.
- 11:15 AM – Women Supporting Women: Results from the Maryland Legislative Session
- Speaker: Roxann King, AAUW Maryland Vice President for Public Policy
- 12:00 PM – New Officer Voting & Installation
- 12:30 PM – Lunch
- 1:15 PM – Business Meeting (separate agenda to be provided)
- 4:00 PM – Adjourn
Meet the Nominees!
Submitted by the 2025 Nominating Committee: Anita Rosen, Chair
At the April 26 convention, members present or online are asked to approve the following nominations. As provided in the Bylaws, terms for officers are staggered so that about half of the officers are elected each year. Additional nominations may be made at the convention with the permission of the nominee. Thanks to the 2025 Nominating Committee: Anita Rosen (Kensington-Rockville) (chair), Bev Fallik (Howard County), Edie Allison (Gaithersburg), with Susan Wierman (Baltimore), pro tem (past chair). Thanks to the nominees! Short bios are included below:
Two nominees are proposed to fill one-year terms through June 30, 2026, due to vacancies remaining from last year’s election. Both are eligible to be renominated next year:
Vice President, Programs: Edie Allison (Gaithersburg)
Co-Vice President, Communications: Roxann King (Anne Arundel) (replaces SW)
Nominees for the two-year term beginning July 1, 2025, are:
Treasurer: Christine Schmitz (Baltimore)
Co-Vice Presidents, Public Policy: Barb Carter (Baltimore)
And Deb Daniel (Online)
Vice President, Membership: Jeanne Blades (Harford)
Secretary: (open for nominations)
Nominees for the 2026 Nominating Committee are: Jacqueline Gray (Baltimore), Kate Campbell Stevenson (Kensington-Rockville), and Pat Stocker (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), with Anita Rosen (Kensington-Rockville) pro tem (past chair).
Vice President, Programs: Edie Allison (Gaithersburg): Edie Allison has been active in the AAUW Gaithersburg Branch for over 25 years. She currently is branch treasurer and has served in other branch officer positions in the past. Edie has also served as AAUW-Maryland president, membership co-VP and newsletter editor in the past. Ms. Allison grew up in the San Francisco Bay area, received a bachelor’s degree in geology from West Texas State University and master’s degree in geology from the University of Utah.
After working in the petroleum industry for many years in Texas, she joined the U.S. Department of Energy, which brought her to the Washington, DC area in 1997. Since retiring from the Energy Department in 2010, she has worked as a consulting geologist focusing on technologies and policies to reduce emissions from oil and natural gas. -
Co-Vice President, Communications, Roxann King (Anne Arundel): Roxann King retired in her fortieth year of teaching mathematics at Prince George’s Community College in June 2016. She taught online for several years, creating many video tutorials on YouTube for student use. She also edited and wrote mathematics textbooks for developmental mathematics students.
Now completing her fifth year as AAUW Maryland vice president/co-VP for public policy, she previously served as Maryland’s Membership VP and Program co-VP and served four years as co-President of AAUW Anne Arundel County. Roxann is very comfortable using technology or learning new technology. As Susan Wierman completes her fifth year working with AAUW Maryland Communications Co-VPs Lydia and Susana, Roxann looks forward to filling Susan’s spot.
Roxann has a daughter, two sons, and four grandchildren living in the Bowie-Annapolis area, sharing many family events. She enjoys needle crafts, tennis, music, biking, cooking, gardening, traveling; and most of all, just being outdoors. A member since 1998, she values many wonderful AAUW friendships.
Treasurer: Christine Schmitz (Baltimore): Christine Schmitz is AAUW Maryland’s current Treasurer and is nominated to continue for another term. Christine has over 35 years of diverse experience as a Certified Public Accountant and Financial Advisor to individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Before the 2023-2025 term, Christine previously served various other terms as AAUW MD Membership Chair, Treasurer, and Vice President for Fundraising. She has been a long-time advocate for AAUW, having served as President of the Towson Branch and as a Board Member and Treasurer of the Baltimore Branch.
She served several terms on the AAUW National Finance Committee and the Investment Committee, as well as the Governance Committee. She also has years of service on other non-profit boards, specifically Women First International Fund (previously known as Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund, on which I served for ten years). Christine was elected to AAUW’s national Board of Directors in 2024.
Co-Vice Presidents, Public Policy: Barb Carter (Baltimore) and Deb Daniel (Online): Barb Carter earned a BS in Education, minor in math, at Edinboro State Teachers College in northwestern PA, and then taught math outside Erie for over five years. She moved to Baltimore in 1971, teaching in several county schools, and earning an MS in Education from Hopkins in 1976. In 1996, she remarried and moved to Columbia, MD, retiring in 2001. Her husband’s job activities opened the door to worldwide traveling and many new experiences. Her hobbies were home rehab, travel, and reading. Now, as a widow, she still enjoys traveling as well as lunches with friends, reading, discovering activities in her retirement community, and just relaxing.
In 1995, Barb attended an AAUW Howard County meeting featuring Delegate Liz Bobo. Having experienced discrimination several times, Barb found Bobo’s review of Annapolis legislation very interesting and motivating. Discovering Lobby Corps opened the door to membership in AAUW and a chance to improve the status of women.
When she became a snowbird in 2010, Barb made a presentation about Lobby Corps at an AAUW Florida State Convention and then was invited to speak at several local branches. Her interesting seven years’ snow birding in Florida included lobbying in Tallahassee. Now in Maryland full time, Barb looks forward to spending more time on Maryland legislation, especially during these challenging times. She says, “We still have a lot of work to do advocating for women and girls.
Deborah (Deb) Daniel joined AAUW after meeting Barbara Fetterhoff becoming a member of her small branch in the most southern part of Maryland—a very welcoming and inclusive group. Now an online branch member, Deb was one of the earliest computer programmers and ended up writing critical cryptographic and communications code as a contractor to the World Bank. She also taught some obscure computer coding techniques in Sweden, England, and Spain.
She notes her skillset is still primarily technical but, at 78, she is interested in how governments work and make public policy. She set up a MyMGA account to advocate for bills she hoped would make Maryland a good place for her grandchildren who live here. She looks forward to helping build the AAUW public policy group in the next two years.
Vice President, Membership: Jeanne Blades (Harford): Jeanne Blades is currently VP for Membership for both AAUW Maryland and the Harford County Branch. She has been a member for six years and readily engaged in the VP for Membership role. She was drawn to AAUW by the friendly, dynamic Harford County women and by all the work that they do to benefit women locally and abroad. She has been actively involved in many of the groups and events that her branch fosters.
While still the VP for Membership for Harford County, in 2023 she took on the role of VP for Membership for AAUW Maryland. In another life before retirement in 2011, she earned her master’s in science to work as a reading specialist and special educator in an effort to reach students with special needs. After 40 years in education, this was still a passion, and she continued to substitute at her elementary “home” school until 2023.
Throughout her career, she has always worked with adult learners as well and still teaches as an online adjunct instructor for Goucher College believing that one of the foremost ways to improve education within our schools is by helping teachers to adopt exceptional instructional practices.
The AAUW Archives Corps Invites You!
By Dian Belanger
Do you enjoy discovering hidden treasures? Are you curious about AAUW’s amazing past? Would you like to make a significant contribution with no required advance preparation? If so, please join the fun, with other dedicated member volunteers from the District-Maryland-Virginia area who comprise the AAUW Archives Corps. We meet on the 4th Monday of alternate months at AAUW’s national office at 1310 L Street NW, Washington, DC, 10:00a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Training and ongoing guidance are provided so we can confidently process and preserve our historic past. Our important efforts make these records usable and accessible to present and future researchers.
Yes, much of what we do is scut work: remove staples, arrange papers chronologically (or in other logical sequence), cull duplicates, transfer the organized documents to acid-free folders. But what a thrill it is to uncover an awesome, unusual, funny, or long forgotten missing link. My favorite finds so far: A member/leader bequeathed a Montana gold mine to AAUW in the 1970s! (Then what? Still searching…)
Bring or buy your lunch nearby. A parking garage is adjacent; or it’s about a five-block walk from the Farragut North or Metro Center Metro. Questions? Ready to sign up? Please contact Dian Belanger dobelanger@comcast.net.
Spring 2025 Public Policy Update
By Roxann King, Co-Vice President for Public Policy
Thank you to the members who attended AAUW MD Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 11! Despite the pending snowstorm, the Maryland General Assembly was hard at work. We visited all the offices of the Senate Judicial Proceedings and House Judiciary Committees, which were hearing four of AAUW Maryland’s six top-ranked bills on the MLAW agenda. Don’t hesitate to refer to our visits in any of your emails to members of these two committees. (Branches represented included 1Anne Arundel, 2Gaithersburg, 3Garrett, 4Harford, and 5Kensington-Rockville. Pictured: L-R Susan Crawford1, Sheila Allen4, Tracy Lantz1, Heather Reichardt2, Theresa Freligh4, Judy Carbone3, Caity Lovett4, Anita Rosen5, and Roxann King1.)
More details will be presented at the Convention, but as of March 1, few bills we supported had passed at least one chamber; none were ready to send to the Governor. With few exceptions, bills must pass in one chamber by March 17, Crossover Day, to remain under consideration in 2025.
In Maryland, since 2016 when Hillary Clinton became the first woman nominated for President, increasing numbers of women have been elected to the Maryland legislature. Currently 30% of the Senate (14 out of 47) and 44% of the House of Delegates (61 out of 139) are women. This has benefitted bills favorable to women and families. This year we are off to a slow start, due to Maryland’s budget concerns, which may affect passage of bills requiring State funding.
National AAUW Lobby Corps has been visiting offices on Capitol Hill twice monthly on Thursday mornings. Action alerts are sent out to AAUW members each time Lobby Corps is active.
If you are not getting action alerts from AAUW national, you can sign up for the Two Minute Activist here: https://www.aauw.org/act/two-minute-activist/. To sign up for action alerts from Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women, send an email to mdlegagenda4women@yahoo.com asking to be added to their email list.
The form for 2025-26 Mini-grants is available at AAUW Maryland’s website under Tools for Leaders. Funded events need not be original ideas: copies of all previous funded mini-grants are on the mini-grant page. The deadline for entries is June 15th, with winners to be announced by July 1.
Bills AAUW MD Supported at the 2025 Legislative Session:
We supported ten bills that comprise the agenda of the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women:
HB629/SB549 Stop Silencing Survivors. This bill provides additional protection from retaliatory litigation for sexual assault survivors. Sex offenders have been suing victims for slander to discourage reporting assaults.
HB1050/SB943 Firearm Relinquishment. This bill aims to close gaps in the current protective order by ensuring firearms are relinquished or removed from abusers.
HB930/SB848 Abortion Care Access Fund Act of 2025. This bill establishes the Abortion Care Access Fund to assist Maryland abortion providers serving uninsured and underinsured people, using $25 million in unspent insurance premiums accumulated over the last 10 years.
SB 632/HB1198 The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act. This bill requires the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to implement comprehensive rehabilitative services to women classified in the prerelease status in the Life Skills and Reentry Center for Women.
HB424/SB357 Prescription Drug Affordability Board Act. This bill expands the authority of Maryland’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board to allow them to set upper payment limits for all Marylanders. HB 424 passed the House and was referred to the Senate Finance Comm.
HB334/SB156 Universal Newborn Nurse Home Visiting Services. This bill will provide families with newborns in-home visits to promote child and maternal health, positive parenting, family self-sufficiency, and family cohesion early in a newborn’s life. SB 156 passed the Senate and was referred to the House Health and Government Operations Committee.
HB647/SB702 Corrections – Segregated Housing – Limitations. This bill limits the use of solitary confinement in Maryland prisons to no more than 15 days and only for egregious offenses, and it excludes certain people, including women who are pregnant, who are postpartum, or who have recently suffered a miscarriage, from this treatment.
HB933/SB679 Protecting Nursing Home Quality Care. This legislation will ensure 75% of nursing home revenue received from Maryland’s Medicaid program is spent on direct care and the women-led workforce that provides it.
SB314/ HB 1368 Birth Certificate Modernization Act. This bill will update the process for changing one’s personal name or sex designation on their own birth certificate or their child’s birth certificate to align with other identification processes (i.e., drivers’ licenses), promote dignity for all unique identities, and reduce opportunities for discrimination.
SB5/HB297 Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program Sunset Repeal. This bill extends young adult health insurance subsidies in the MD healthcare exchange. SB 5 passed the Senate and was referred to the House Health and Gov’t Operations Committee. HB 297 passed the House of Delegates and was referred to the Senate Finance Committee.
AAUW Maryland also supported four additional bills, not on the MLAW agenda.
SB720/HB905 Safe Staffing Act of 2025. Insufficient staff and insufficient beds are the two top causes of long emergency room waiting times. Maryland still has the longest emergency room wait time of all 50 states, now for the 9th year in a row—over 4 hours. This bill requires all hospitals to make and post a safe staffing plan.
SB 508/HB381 Healing Our Scars Act. This bill would require Maryland health insurers to provide aesthetic and restorative care to the victims of domestic violence.
SB 511/HB 840 Pregnant and Parenting Students Support Act. This bill would require most Maryland public senior colleges and universities to put in place a plan for care support of parenting and pregnant students and have it posted on their websites by July 2026.
HB 939/SB 674 Over Counter Birth Control. This bill requires the Maryland Commission for Women to establish the Maryland Collaborative to Advance Implementation of Coverage of Over-the-Counter Birth Control (already available but seldom used).
I look forward to speaking with you at the Convention in Gaithersburg April 26!
Membership Matters
By Jeanne Blades, Vice President for Membership
The Tax Man Cometh: Your deductible dues sustain AAUW.
As you prepare your taxes for Uncle Sam, remember that your $72 National dues are deductible. Heads Up! AAUW Board recently approved a modest dues adjustment—$2 per year over the next two years. New national dues: $74 starting April 1, 2025, and $76 starting April 1, 2026. Thanks for your dues, which help fund lobby corps, archive corps, website support, virtual member training and gatherings, national committees, national speakers for branch and state meetings, and more! AAUW.
A Warm Welcome to New Members
Last year was busy for our Maryland branches. We have approximately 432 members in Maryland and a good number joined or renewed in 2024! So I extend a very warm welcome to all of our new members.
I encourage each branch to review its branch roster as of February 1st, to ensure that it is up to date with memberships processed through January 31st. Then, email connect@aauw.org if there are any issues. You can watch the February 1 Count video for roster review tips. You will find a link to this in the AAUW Membership Matters from Katrina Sun Breese (February 27th email) or go to the AAUW Community Hub, scroll down to videos to find February 1 Count. This will give you instructions on how to:
- Sort and review information,
- Identify the state “manager members” who appear on all branch rosters,
- Remove members whose membership has expired and do not plan to rejoin, and
- Report duplicates to connect@aauw.org so they can be merged.
Feel free to ask me questions at the annual convention!
Kensington-Rockville Branch Activities
By Dian Belanger, Branch President
What a great group we welcomed around our community table for February’s member “salon”! Thank you, Bobbe Mintz, for organizing and conducting lively discussion–our educations, aspirations, and life choices. How being a woman “back then,” affected our outcomes drew widespread nods of understanding and empathy—and cheers, too! Let’s keep sharing our stories. They’re important—not just to us but among us.
As I write, we look forward to coming together March 15th to learn more about the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women—firsthand, from Pat Stocker a CSW delegate. Pat will help us gain a new perspective on women around the world.
Save the Date for the 2026 Regional Meeting
By Tracy Lantz, AAUW MD Regional Event Planning Committee
Join AAUW members and friends from 13 states at the Lancaster County Convention Center & Marriott Hotel in Lancaster, PA on September 25-27th, 2026 for the AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference 2026 hosted by AAUW Pennsylvania! See https://aauw-pa.aauw.net/2026-atlantic-states-regional-conference
Lancaster, one of American’s oldest inland cities, is rich in history and culture with much to explore. We’ll be there at just the right time of year to enjoy the fall festivals! Getting there is easy: there is an Amtrak station in Lancaster or hop into a carpool with your friends and fellow AAUW members!
We anticipate a fantastic program with entertainment, opportunities to learn and connect, hear from our national leaders, and strategize on encouraging the next generation of young leaders. Please contact Tracy Lantz, Carol Mueller or Heather Reichardt with your thoughts or suggestions!
Thank you AAUW Maryland leaders!
AAUW MD Elected Officers (Executive Board)
- Heather Reichardt, President (2024-2026)
- Tracy Lantz, Past President (2024-2025)
- Vacant, Vice President for Programs (2024-2026)
- Vacant, Secretary (2023-2025)
- Jeri Rhodes, Vice President for AAUW Funds (2024-2026)
- Lydia Alcock and Susana Hernández Martín (2022-2026) and Susan Wierman (2022-2025), Co-Vice Presidents for Communications
- Roxann King (2021-2025) and Judy Carbone (2023-2025), Co-Vice Presidents for Public Policy
- Christine Schmitz, Treasurer (2023-2025)
- Jeanne Blades Vice President for Membership (2023-2025)
AAUW MD Committee Chairs (Appointed to Board)
- Carolyn Fisher, Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (2022-2024)
- Terry Saylor, Archivist (2022-2024)
- Eileen Menton, Chair of the Bylaws Committee
- ERA Taskforce Chair, Judy Carbone
- 2025 Nominations Committee: Anita Rosen (Kensington-Rockville), Bev Fallik (Howard County), and Edie Allison (Gaithersburg). Susan Wierman (Baltimore) (past chair, ex officio).
- Each Branch President is also a member of the Board of Directors
2025 Calendar
March 17: AAUW MD Advocacy Day in Annapolis
April 6: Mail your check to register for the State Convention by today to get the best rate.
April 7: Last day of 2025 Legislative Session
April 25: Pre-convention dinner at Il Porto in Gaithersburg
April 26: State Convention & Annual Meeting (Election of Officers) in Gaithersburg
July 26: AAUW MD Summer Meeting