Draft AAUW Virtual State Convention Program
Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23, 2021 Via Zoom
The Power of Women Voters
The next time you hear political pundits discussing “the women’s vote,” bear in mind they’re referring to a powerful constituency that numbers in the millions. As more and more female candidates forge their way onto local and national platforms, women’s voices and gender-inclusive agendas are increasingly coming to the fore. In the days ahead, it may well be the votes of women, individually and collectively, that make or break the outcomes of future elections. We can help make that happen! Register and join us via Zoom!
Saturday morning
Saturday, May 22 (Note: Zoom room will open at 9:30 for social time.)
10:00 a.m. Welcome: Erin Prangley, President, AAUW Maryland
10:05 Introduction of Lily Qi: Pat Stocker, Co-VP Program
10:10 Chinese Americans and Maryland Politics
Delegate Lily Qi
10:30 Special Performance: Amending America: How Women Won the Vote
Kate Campbell Stevenson, Presenter, “Women Back to the Future”
11:15 Break (Note: Zoom room will remain open for social time)
11:30 Maryland AAUW Business Meeting Part 1
Erin Prangley, President, AAUW MD (see detailed agenda on website)
- Election of Officers
- Approval of 2020 Convention Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Review proposed revisions to Bylaws
1:00 Adjourn for the day
Sunday afternoon
Sunday, May 23 (Note: Zoom room will open at 1:30 for social time)
2:00 p.m. Welcome, Erin Prangley, President
2:05 Introduction of Dr. Jones by Jacqueline Gray, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
2:10 Keynote: A Complicated Story of Women’s Suffrage in Black and White
Dr. Ida Jones, Author and University Archivist at Morgan State University
2:50 Breakout Groups for Discussion
“Women’s Suffrage in Black and White: Implications for AAUW”
3:15 Break (Note: Zoom room will remain open for social time)
3:25 Introduction of Senator Lee: Roxann King, VP, Public Policy
3:30 Women’s Perspectives: A View from the 2021 Legislative Session
Senator Susan Lee
3:45 Maryland AAUW Business Meeting Part 2
Erin Prangley, President, AAUW MD (see detailed agenda on website)
- Approval of revisions to Bylaws
- Reports and Discussions: Public Policy, Diversity, Programs, Membership
5:00 Adjourn