Legal Advocacy Fund

The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) works to combat sex discrimination through community and campus outreach programs, a resource library and online advocacy tools, and various research reports. In collaboration with the Public Policy and Government Relations department, LAF seeks amicus curiae opportunities in cases of discrimination that disadvantage women in the workplace. LAF is also transitioning toward supporting landmark sex discrimination cases that have the potential to make a difference for all women.

How to Contribute

Since 1981, LAF has provided funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination. LAF is a program of the AAUW Educational Foundation and therefore a 501(c)(3) charity. All gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law

There are many contribution options to benefit LAF. For more information about the gift options, contact the development office at or 202/728-3307.

Resources of LAF Chairs

Instructions and Address for Submitting Contributions:

AAUW Development Office
P.O. Box 98045
Washington, DC 20090-8045

(Please note: Contributions must be submitted within 30 days of receipt.)