Category Archives: Events

2025 AAUW Maryland Annual Convention and Annual Meeting

Women Supporting Women:  Global Influences and Opportunities

Hosted by the Gaithersburg Branch of AAUW – MD

Saturday, April 26, 2025  |  Pathways Baptist Church 200 West Diamond Avenue, Gaithersburg MD 20877  |  Directions to Pathways Baptist Church

Event Registration:   Online Registration  |  Paper Registration Form

Come together with like-minded women from around the state to discuss local and global issues and explore opportunities for women’s economic security. This event is a great opportunity to network, share experiences, and learn from each other. Let’s learn about how to help make a positive impact locally and globally!

Event Agenda:

  • 8:30 AM – Registration & Continental Breakfast
  • 9:00 AM – Welcome
        • Edie Allison, AAUW Gaithersburg Branch
        • Heather Reichardt, AAUW Maryland President
        • Jud Ashman, Mayor of Gaithersburg
  • 9:15 AM The Challenges and Joys of Immigrating to the US
        • Speaker: Delegate Lily Qi
          Born in Shanghai, China, Lily Qi grew up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. She immigrated to the US in 1989, became a US citizen in 1999, and now represents the 15th legislative district in the Maryland House of Delegates. She previously served as a chief administrator for economic development under Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett.
  • 10:00 AM – Break
  • 10:15 AM Panel Discussion: Women Supporting Women Domestically and Globally
        • Panelist: Bria Marie Hodge, Director of Small Business Development, Latino Economic Development Center.
          The LED’s mission is to serve as a catalyst that drives the economic and social advancement of low-to-moderate income Latinos and other underserved communities.
        • Panelist: Robyn Nietert, President, Women’s Microfinance Initiative
          WMI promotes women’s economic participation through small loans and carries the hope of prosperity to poor, rural areas of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
        • Moderator: Kate Stevenson, former Co-President, Maryland AAUW
  • 11:15 AMWomen Supporting Women: Results from the Maryland Legislative Session
        • Speaker: Roxann King, AAUW Maryland Vice President for Public Policy
  • 12:00 PM – New Officer Voting & Installation
  • 12:30 PM – Lunch
  • 1:15 PM – Business Meeting (separate agenda to be provided)
  • 4:00 PM – Adjourn


  1. 2025 Convention Speaker Bios
  2. 2025 Annual Meeting Agenda
  3. President’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. State Membership Report
  6. Programs Report
  7. Funds Report
  8. Diversity Chair Report
  9. Communications Report
  10. Bylaws Report
  11. Public Policy Report
  12. ERA Taskforce Report
  13. Nominating Committee Report
  14. Atlantic Regional Conference Flyer

Join Us at AAUW Maryland Lobby Day and Symposium – February 6

By:  Anita Rosen, AAUW Maryland Co-Vice President for Public Policy

Join us for an exciting day and evening too, in Annapolis, on February 6th.  Come to Lobby and attend a free symposium.

The day will begin for AAUW at 12:20p.m outside the Senate Building President Conference Center West 1.  AAUW folks will meet, coordinate, get materials and prep for quick visits with your Legislators. The materials will help you with meeting with  Legislator  visits on AAUW issues in Maryland, including the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW) which will be covered at the MLAW Conference on January 31st and will be shared with you on our AAUW Maryland webpage.  One other terrific bill we support is described elsewhere in this newsletter. It is an innovative initiative of the Howard County AAUW- the Extend Child Custody Support for Post-Secondary Education.

We will be co-hosting a symposium on several of our key issues and adding on an AAUW lobby day opportunity with the Women’s Economic Security Agenda Coalition (WESA). WESA was our collaborator and organizer for last year’s successful legislative session to expand Equal Pay.

The WESA Symposium, which is free of charge, will take place between 12:45-4 pm (at the latest). There will be several panels on such issues as Healthy Working Families Act (Earned Sick Days), Fight for $15 (minimum wage), Fair Work Week Initiative, and Affordable Child Care.

Information on bill numbers and strategies for advocacy will be provided and refreshments will be served. Numerous Legislators have been invited to drop in to speak and  network with you..

You should plan short lobby visits with your own Legislators during the symposium and afterward.  If you can, stay into the evening.  Monday evenings are prime time to make appointments and see legislators!

This is your chance to share one or two important issues we support. It is easy to do, and you will get tips on how to have a quick “chat” with Legislators or their staff to let them know that AAUW Maryland cares about the quality of life for women and families in Maryland.

Register for the free Symposium on line at:

Let me know you will be attending our Lobby Day. I hope to see many of you there to give visibility to AAUW Maryland and to make our voices heard about really important issues for women and families in Maryland. If you have questions, email me (anitarosen123 at

Changing the Climate for Women and Girls in Maryland

As summer comes to a close, I am excited to see the commitment of AAUW Maryland members who are working to change the climate for women and girls in Maryland.  At the June and July board meetings, members agreed to a series of action items to enhance the State’s role of recruitment and retention through advocacy and education.

We will increase member participation and AAUW-Maryland visibility in the Public Policy area by advocating for Post-Secondary Education Child Support Supplement, a Howard County Branch initiative; support other AAUW priorities , including Fair Scheduling, Sick Leave, and Equal Pay; get out the Vote; and advocate for Title IX; encourage each branch to have a Title IX Coordinator.  During the upcoming legislative session, we are planning a “Day in Annapolis” for AAUW-Maryland members.

We will increase state membership by 10% by establishing an on-line Maryland community that will target national members and AAUW Maryland members whose branches have been disbanded;  increasing visibility of AAUW-Maryland at local, regional and state events; creating a state brochure; and forging relationships with like-minded organizations, the military community, and women’s professional groups.

Finally, we will promote communications and celebrate AAUW Maryland’s 75th Anniversary in April 2017.  We will encourage every branch to send members to the National Convention in Washington, D.C. in June 2017; continue to be the platinum sponsor of the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) Women of Distinction Ceremony and increase publicity about NCCWSL to branches and colleges/universities; and begin a Start Smart Initiative.

I encourage all members to attend the October 15 state meeting in Bethesda.  Our guest speakers will be Kate Black , from the  Younger Women’s Task Force DC,  an initiative to involve members who are under 40 in  AAUW’s mission.  She will discuss the Start Smart/ Work Smart Program, their work on salary negotiation, and the successes and challenges they faced.  And we will hear form two dynamic women student leaders who will share their experiences at NCCWSL. Early Bird” registration must be postmarked by October 1st.   More information.




Creating a Vision for AAUW Maryland 2016-2018

AAUW Maryland members are developing a vision and action plan for the next two years with the theme – recruitment and retention through advocacy and education.  We started the process at the Transition Board meeting on June 25 and will continue at the State Summer Leadership Conference and Board meeting on Saturday July 23, 2017 at Severna Park United Methodist Church, 731 Benefield Road, Severna Park, MD 21146.  We will start the day with a keynote address by Claudia Richards, Senior Branch Relations Manager at AAUW National, and then move into the planning process.  Our goal for the day is an action plan.

Be part of the process for ensuring that AAUW-Maryland is changing the climate for women and girls in Maryland.  Registration is underway.  The early bird rate ends July 9.   More information about the Summer Leadership Conference in the Marylander.

2016 Women’s Legislative Briefing to be Co-Sponsored by AAUW MD


by Anita Rosen and Louise Chatlynne, AAUW Co-VPs for Public Policy 2016 WLB Flyer #1

The Women’s Legislative Briefing (WLB) is the premier and longest-standing women’s legislative event in the state of Maryland. It is coordinated by the Montgomery County Commission for Women and brings together advocates, policy makers, and emerging leaders to empower, engage, and mobilize Marylanders around issues affecting women and girls throughout the state. For more information go to: