Volume 92 #4, Spring 2024
President, Tracy Lantz | Editor, Susan Wierman | email: aauw-md@aauw.org
Click here to download the PDF version of this issue.
Table of Contents:
- Welcome Message: A Warm Invitation to Learn, Grow, and Do
- Save the Date: Baltimore Branch Hosts AAUW-MD Summer Meeting
- 2024 AAUW MD Spring Convention
- Election of State Officers at 2024 Convention Annual Meeting
- Required Changes to the AAUW Maryland & Branch Bylaws
- President’s Message
- Equal Rights Amendment Task Force Update
- Preliminary Legislative Updates
- Honor Dian Belanger and Support Leadership Training
- Membership Matters! Be On the Look-Out!
- Gaithersburg Branch Annual Used-Book Sale is Coming – April 11-13, 2024
- Garrett County Branch Report
- Celebrate Women’s History Month
- Mark Your Calendar!
- Attachments
A Warm Invitation to Learn, Grow, and Do
From Dian Belanger and Maritsa George, Co-Presidents, Kensington-Rockville Branch
We welcome you, on behalf of the Kensington-Rockville Branch, to the AAUW Maryland 2024 Convention on Saturday, April 20th! We are excited to host this event in the Cultural Arts Center of Ingleside at King Farm, which offers every amenity in a spacious setting—as you might recall from our summer conference there in 2022. AAUW CEO Gloria Blackwell plans to be with us.
In this pivotal year for our nation, our astute state programmers will focus on vital issues of public policy, voting, and education, as well as honor selected women of global achievement. We will be informed, stimulated, and inspired to do what must be done.
Do join us, too, for a casual social dinner together at Farmsook (that word means “happiness” we’re told) Thai Kitchen on Friday evening, April 19th. It’s just two walkable blocks from Ingleside on King Farm Boulevard and a lovely venue for catching up with old friends—and making new ones.
A nearby and comfy hotel is under contract for those who want to overnight at an AAUW discount rate of $124.00 plus tax per double. This includes a hot breakfast. Each of the rooms has two queen-sized beds . Parking is free and plentiful at the hotel. Light refreshments and lunch are included in your Registrations Fee. The LAST day to reserve a hotel room at the $124.00 rate is FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2024.
Comfort Inn, Shady Grove-Gaithersburg, MD
(301) 330-0023
16216 Frederick Rd
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-3502
We look forward to bringing our shared passions to productive use and the pleasure of your company! Please see preliminary details of the Convention program below and the registration form and map at the end of this issue of the Marylander.

Save the Date: Baltimore Branch Hosts AAUW-MD Summer Meeting July 20th
From Janice Zimmerman and Denise Gray, Co-Presidents, AAUW Baltimore
The Baltimore Branch is busy preparing to host the summer AAUW-MD summer meeting. The Branch recently joined Maryland Nonprofits and we will be hosting the meeting in their meeting rooms, located at 1500 Union Avenue, Baltimore.
As we say in Baltimore, we look forward to seeing you in July, hon!
2024 AAUW Maryland Spring Convention
Know Your Maryland Public Policies – Be an Educated Voter!
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Cultural Arts Center of Ingleside at King Farm
701 King Farm Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20850
With the 2024 election cycle right around the corner from the AAUW Maryland Spring Convention, we will focus on becoming educated about several public policy and voting issues. It is very important to understand what is happening state-wide on the voting front. We can then provide accurate information to our family and friends for the upcoming elections. Presentation topics will include:
- Learn how Ranked Choice Voting can work to even the playing field in local elections from Dr. Brianna Smith, Assoc. Professor, Political Science, U.S. Naval Academy (invited)
- Discuss AAUW priorities with AAUW CEO Gloria Blackwell
- Hear final results from the Maryland General Assembly Session
- Get the latest news on the Equal Rights Amendment from Liliana Katz-Hollander of the Young Feminists Party
Additionally, we will celebrate International Women’s Day, which was March 8. We would like each branch to select an outstanding woman, current or historic, from the United States or abroad, to present briefly during our lunch break. Ideally, we will have a PowerPoint presentation where a member from each branch can talk for a few minutes about their chosen woman hero!
Find the registration form and a map of the Ingleside at King Farm Complex later in this Marylander. You can also click here for more information and to register online.
In addition to these program elements, the convention will include the AAUW Maryland Annual Meeting, where you may vote to elect officers and receive reports from officers and committees.

Election of State Officers at 2024 Convention Annual Meeting
From Susan Wierman, Kate Campbell Stevenson, Bev Fallik, and Pat Stocker, AAUW MD 2024 Nominating Committee
The 2024 Nominating Committee is pleased to recommend that you elect the following officers for the July 2024-June 2026 term:
- Vice President, Programs: Heather Reichardt (Gaithersburg)
- Vice President for AAUW Funds: Jeri Rhodes (Kensington-Rockville)
- Co-Vice Presidents, Communications: Lydia Alcock & Susana Hernandez-Martin (Baltimore)
Further, 2024 Nominating Committee recommends that you elect the following members of the 2025 Nominating committee:
- Anita Rosen (Kensington-Rockville), Bev Fallik (Howard County), and Edie Allison (Gaithersburg). Susan Wierman will serve ex officio as past chair of the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee is seeking a nominee to be Co-President with Tracy Lantz. As provided in the AAUW MD Bylaws, lacking timely nominees as this Marylander goes to press, the Nominating Committee announces that the terms of the following current officers will continue until their successors have been appointed by the Board or elected by the AAUW MD membership:
- President: Tracy Lantz (Kensington-Rockville)
- Co-Vice President, Communications: Susan Wierman (Baltimore)
Additional nominations may be made at the Annual Meeting with the consent of the nominee. Please note that the following officers’ terms do not expire until June 30, 2025, so these positions are not presented for a vote this year, and we thank them for their continued service:
- Christine Schmitz, Treasurer
- Diane Roca, Secretary
- Roxann King and Judy Carbone, Co-Vice Presidents, Public Policy
- Jeanne Blades, Vice President, Membership
Required Changes to the AAUW Maryland & Branch Bylaws
By Diane Roca, AAUW Maryland Bylaws Chair
Branch Presidents received an email on February 28 explaining the mandatory revision to branch bylaws. That message is repeated here to facilitate distribution to all members. References to branch bylaws in this article also apply to state bylaws.
In spring 2023, the AAUW national office presented revised bylaws for the national organization, and they were approved by the membership. Some provisions apply to the branches, and this message will guide branches in amending their bylaws to conform to the new version.
Please note that this is the 2023 bylaws revision, NOT the 2024 proposed bylaw for Open Membership presented in January 2024. Members will be voting on that issue later starting April 3.
Branch bylaws have two parts. The first seven sections describe the branch’s relationship with the national organization. The remaining sections are developed by the members as needed for the smooth operation of the branch. What branches need to replace are the first seven sections. The required action is straightforward: Delete from your bylaws the sections referring to the branch relationship with the national organization and replace them with the 2024 version.
The new material includes Name and Governance; Purpose; Use of Name; Members; AAUW Affiliates; Parliamentary Authority; Amendments to the Bylaws. Place a note at the end of the bylaws reading, “Mandatory revision March 2024.” NOTE: Your Board and your members do not need to vote to approve this new material because it is mandatory. This link will explain the changes to you.
In case you cannot locate a copy of your branch bylaws, let me (Diane Roca) know. I will send you the bylaws of one or two Maryland branches that you can copy and adapt for your own.
We have until May 2026 to complete this work. If you have questions, I will be glad to answer them. Contact me at dbroca@comcast.net or 443-255-1628.

Photo taken at the AAUW Fall Meeting in Bethesda: Heather Reichardt (Co-VP Programs), Tracy Lantz (AAUW MD President), Almeta E. Cooper (Speaker from Mom’s Clean Air Force), and Jacki Gray (Co-VP Programs)
President’s Message
By Tracy Lantz, President, AAUW Maryland
I’ve always felt that AAUW is a welcoming organization and I’ve been very proud of our initiatives and work on so many fronts including supporting important legislative action and educational opportunities for women and girls. I am sure you feel the same way.
I know we all have concerns about how to grow our organization as do many similar women’s organizations. This is not an easy task. But we need to continue to tell ourselves that we can’t keep doing things the way they have always been done. We must continue to be open to new ways to contact and recruit members, to accept new outlooks, leadership styles and priorities from new members and of course we must embrace new technology!
At the branch level and the state level we need to embrace social media and new ways to communicate. We must invite people to our meetings who aren’t already receiving the Marylander or our branch newsletters. Folks do search our websites; we need to keep them up to date! Link to your monthly newsletter, create your meetings in Eventbrite and share, share, share on social media, invite folks from your community to participate in your programs.
We’ve already had guests that we have never met in person join us for state meetings only because they searched the web, found us, and decided our program looked interesting! Many of our branches have Facebook and/or Instagram pages. Let’s make that true for all the branches in our state! Encourage your members to join these platforms and share AAUW posts with their contacts. Contact me if you need assistance.
We’ve got so much to be proud of and to share with our communities! I am so very pleased with our recent work collaborating with so many other vital women’s organizations including VoteEquality, Maryland NOW, the Young Feminist Party (formerly Generation Ratify), MERAN, Free State Justice and The Feminist Uprising! All these groups have come to us knowing we have something special to offer. Let’s keep up the great work!
We’ve had great participation at the ERA 100th Anniversary March on Washington on December 13th and again at the ERA Rally in Annapolis on February 19th. This was truly a fabulous turnout! We combined the Annapolis rally with Lobby Day supported by 16 of our members representing the Gaithersburg, Baltimore, Kensington-Rockville, Garrett, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and Easton branches.
I’ve been interacting with AAUW leaders in other states in the past few weeks. Some states and branches have fabulous web pages that are up to date with the latest activities and newsletters, showcasing how involved they are in their communities and in initiatives that impact women and girls. Let’s make sure our websites shine, too!
One of the biggest benefits of AAUW for me was learning to be a leader in a safe and supportive environment. I know there are young people out there who could use the same support. Let’s invite them to get to know who we are in the ways that they are already communicating.
If we have members with other ideas for reaching out, I would love to hear from them!
And don’t forget – my goal for the upcoming State Convention on April 20th is that every branch invites at least 10 people from your community to attend. We have a special discounted rate for guests and for students.
Tracy Lantz, AAUW Maryland President

Some of the members at the rally February 19: Teresa Freligh, Sheila Allen, Heather Reichardt, Tracy Lantz, Kate Campbell Stevenson, Janice Zimmerman, Dorothy Fraquelli, Susan Wierman, Judy Carbone
Equal Rights Amendment Task Force Update
By: Judy Carbone, AAUW MD ERA Task Force Chair
The ERA Task Force Members — Judy Carbone (Chair), Karina Shipps, and Susan Crawford — are working on our primary goal of educating and informing our members and supporters about the Equal Rights Amendment, its history, its current status, and what we can do to move it forward. We are focused on five areas:
- Get the word out to Eastern Shore and other District 1 AAUW members, encouraging them to put pressure on Representative Andy Harris to support the House bills to remove the arbitrary deadline and recognize the ERA. Emails asked members to contact Rep. Harris.
- Publish details on AAUW-Maryland Social Media about ERA-related actions. We continue posting on the AAUW-Maryland Facebook page and will explore other social media apps to use or at least share content from.
- Create a Toolkit for branches to be able to use for presentations if opportunities arise (also a possible recruitment activity) and encourage branches to contact area colleges for opportunities to host a table for outreach about ERA. This task is becoming a little more daunting than we had anticipated, but Susan Crawford is working on it. We discussed maybe providing training for branch members who want to give presentations and/or set up table displays.
- Present a workshop at NCCWSL on the ERA — we are a go!! Judy and Karina will prepare a program outline. Judy is the primary contact with NCCWSL on this presentation. We will be intentional about what we plan and get feedback on and from whom, and how we move forward.
- Engage in advocacy work with MERAN (Maryland Equal Rights Action Network) for the Maryland ERA Reaffirming Resolution. (See photos of the ERA Rally in Annapolis.) Judy is the AAUW-Maryland representative and is working with MERAN to move the MD resolution bills forward. The Joint Resolution Bills are: HJ001, the primary sponsors of which are Delegate Edith Patterson and Delegate Leslie Lopez, and SJ0001 with Senator Ariana Kelly as the primary sponsor. All branch members are asked to encourage sponsorship and support from their Delegates and State Senators. We got word on 2/29/24 that SJ0001 passed out of the JPR Committee with bipartisan support (only Senator West voted no). HJ001 had its first committee hearing the first week in March as this Marylander was in preparation.
Please contact Judy with any questions at judy@corgi-cottage.com or at 301-616-5036. And if you haven’t already done so, please sign the petition at www.sign4era.org and get everyone you know across the country to do the same!!

Speakers’ platform at the ERA rally in Annapolis Feb. 19. Camila Reynolds-Dominguez and Judy Carbone at the podium. Seated in front are Senator Ariana Kelly and Lt. Governor Aruna Miller.

Former US Senator Carolyn Maloney; MD Delegate Edith Patterson, Ed.D. President, Women Legislators of MD; and Senator Ariana Kelly at the podium.
Preliminary Legislative Updates
By Roxann King, Public Policy Co-Vice President
This has been a very different year from the previous year for us in the Maryland General Assembly. The crossover date, March 18, is fast approaching and many of our bills are still in committee in the first chamber. At this writing, only three bills have passed the first chamber and are now in committee in the second chamber.
- The bill that prohibits sexual solicitation of a minor using the internet for the purpose of pornography has passed the Senate 46-0.
- The bill that would classify home care workers who work through agencies as employees of the agency rather than contract workers has passed the House of Delegates 101-37.
- The bill that would extend the legal protections passed last year for reproductive care to gender affirming care passed the Senate 33-13.
- The End-of-Life Options bill seems to be dead this session, despite having many legislative sponsors. In the Senate there are concerns about safeguards. Eleven states have adopted it, all using the same format. Here is a link to a brief description of the bill as all states are using it: https://deathwithdignity.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/dwd-media-kit-background202310.26.pdf. If it is not adopted this year, it will be considered again.
- The Wage Transparency bill is important to enabling paycheck fairness, an AAUW priority. It is still in committee.
- Our support for improving Emergency Room wait time continues with support for the Safe Staffing bill.
Much time was spent during the first two weeks of the session dealing with the budget shortfall. The shortfall may influence those bills requiring new expenses. For now, we need to continue writing or calling committee members urging support for our bills.
Getting out the Vote is very important this election year. To this end AAUW is hosting a series of short webinars to help branches with vote-related activities: April 17, May 9, June 26, August 8, August 21, October 16. Topics include policy priorities, voter registration, developing materials, using social media, and others. The webinars will be available online to all.
Key dates to plan events around are July 31, 100 days until the election; September 17, National Voter Registration Day; October 1 – 4, National Voter Education Week; October 29, National Vote Early Date; and November 5, Election Day. There are more women voters than men. We seriously need to get out the vote. We need to ask questions of candidates about issues that affect women and girls. The ERA needs to be an election issue. Equal pay should be an issue as well.
Honor Dian Belanger and Support Leadership Training
By: Bea Dane; AAUW Maryland Vice President, AAUW Funds
The 2024 AAUW National College Conference of Women of Student Leaders or NCCWSL will be held on May 30-June 1, 2024, at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. For more than 30 years, AAUW has organized this annual gathering offering a dynamic meeting place for leadership opportunities, networking, and inspiration. This amazing event attracts young women from all over the United States with close to 500 colleges sending participants.

Dian Belanger
As a Platinum Sponsor of the event, AAUW Maryland has the opportunity to have a Maryland Woman of Distinction present at the event. Dian Belanger is this year’s MD Woman of Distinction.
Dian will be honored at the 2024 NCCWSL event on May 31st. The event takes place from 7:30-10pm at the University of Maryland, College Park. It is always an exciting and exhilarating event! Please let Bea know by May 1st if you wish to attend.
AAUW MD must raise funds to honor Dian. If you have not yet donated to the WoD fund, please consider doing so now. Donating on-line is preferable to ensure that nothing gets lost in the mail, but instructions for both are below:
To donate online:
- Go to aauw.org
- Click on the big red Donate button on the upper right corner
- Scroll down past the NCCWSL option until you see:
- 4355-Maryland Women of Distinction (NCCWSL) Fund
- Click on Count Me In
- You will then be asked to login or create a new account
- This will bring you to the donation page
- Choose the amount you wish to donate
- Complete the other required information and checkout
To donate by check:
- Make your check out to AAUW.
- On the check put the fund name and number: 4355-Maryland Women of Distinction (NCCWSL) Fund
- Mail to: AAUW, 1310 L Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20005
All donations to this fund are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations may be arranged through your retirement fund or donor-advised fund.
If you have any questions, please contact Bea Dane at bea_dane@comcast.net
Thanks to all the donors listed below!
These early donations had been received as of about March 12
Edith Allison
Dian Belanger
Lia Belanger Book
Walter Burgess
Renee Carlson
Beatrice Dane
Dorothy Fraquelli
Maritsa George
Carol Graves
Lynn Hapchuk
Beth Hayden
Ella Iams
Howard Iams
Tracy Lantz
Bernadette Low
Ruth Manchester
Eileen Menton |
Anna Palmisano
Veronica Roberts
Sharon Robinson
Diane Roca
Anita Rosen
Terry Sayler
Christine Schmitz
Ruth Spivack
Kate Campbell Stevenson
Patricia Stocker
Susan Wierman
AAUW Maryland
AAUW Baltimore Branch
AAUW Harford County
AAUW Howard County
AAUW Kensington-Rockville
AAUW Northern Ocean County NJ |
Membership Matters! Be On the Look-Out!
From Jeanne Blades, Membership Vice President
As we move through the upcoming year, you’ll obviously want to renew your membership at some point. Currently, depending on when you initially joined AAUW, your membership renewal date may vary from a fellow member. If you initially joined AAUW before February 2022, your membership runs from June 30th of one year to June 29th of the following year. However, if you joined after that date, your membership runs for an entire year from that point in time. So, if you joined April 1st, your membership is good until March 31st of the following year.
Confused? Don’t worry. National headquarters at AAUW sends out a reminder to each member about 2 weeks before their membership expires. However, sometimes this may go to your spam or junk mail by accident, so please check those mailboxes as well.
Christine Schmitz, our AAUW Maryland Treasurer, also reminds us that if you are not sure if you have renewed your dues, you can look up your membership on the National website at http://www.aauw.org. Just log in and scroll down to the “Join On” and “Member Thru” dates at the bottom of your Personal Snapshot page. Of course, the “Member Thru” date will also tell you when to start keeping a look-out for the renewal email mentioned above. You can also reach out to your branch treasurer or to Christine Schmitz at dialacpa@aol.com or contact Jeanne Blades, AAUW Maryland Membership VP, at jeanmarieb@gmail.com for this information as well.
Gaithersburg Branch Annual Used-Book Sale is Coming – April 11-13, 2024
By Edie Allison
The Gaithersburg branch annual used-book sale, which began about 50 years ago, will resume in April at Asbury Methodist Village after being suspended due to Covid. Proceeds from the sale provide scholarships for deserving female students at Montgomery College and The Universities at Shady Grove, and support AAUW-US educational funds and activities.
Everyone is invited to help us make this the most successful ever: tell your friends and plan to get books for friends and relatives. The popular History, Children’s and Fiction Sections are well categorized for easy perusing.
We all take pride in the funds raised by our branch for scholarships. The students who receive the scholarships are Role Models of the Future. They have been generally near the top of their class and are often the first in their families to attend or graduate from college. They frequently face challenges as their families struggle to support them attending college. Their interests are broad, but their leadership potential has been evident.
Thursday, April 11, 9 am to 8 pm
Friday, April 12, 9 am to 8 pm (Senior Discount Day)
Saturday, April 12, 9 am to 4 pm (Reduced per-bag price)
Location: Rosborough Center, Bldg. 409, Asbury Methodist Village, Gaithersburg, MD 20977
Enter the Campus at 301 Odendhal Avenue Gatehouse
For More Information contact: Edie Allison, edieallison@gmail.com or text 301-231-0109
Garrett County Branch Report
By Judy A. Carbone, Branch President
We’ve had a quiet last few months in our branch. In October, we closed the End-of-the-Line Used Bookstore for the season. Our little boxcar bookstore at the Train Station in Oakland has been open for almost 20 seasons and has raised over $55,000 for women and girls’ programs in Garrett County (some through AAUW, some through the Girl Scouts). We will open again as usual in May for the 2024 season.
In late October we held a branch meeting where we welcomed some potential members and talked about possible future activities and recruiting members for committees and leadership. We also had several social get-togethers for members and friends, including a High Tea in September and a Cocktails & Convos in November that had to be rescheduled due to snow, only to have the rescheduled date also encounter snow, but we held it anyway. In January, we held a session on the ERA and brought our members up to date on what it’s going to take to bring it across the finish line and finally recognize it as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We’ve also been active with informing our members and supporters about MLAW bills that need support and asking them to write and/or call committee members, their senators, and/or their delegates as appropriate.
We will begin our scholarship application process for our five various scholarships. Last year, we gave out more than $7,000 in scholarships to women students in our two high schools, at Garrett College, those transferring to 4 years institutions from Garrett College, and at Allegany College who are Garrett County students studying allied health. We are on track to give substantially more in terms of awarded scholarship money in 2024. On March 8th, we will be celebrating International Women’s Day and recognizing (definitely not celebrating) the 2024 Equal Pay Day with a Cocktails & Convos event. Our Annual General Membership Meeting will be held on May 22.
The biggest challenge facing our branch is new leadership. Our Executive Committee members and Committee Leaders have been in their positions for many years, longer than even allowed in our Bylaws, and they are getting tired. Several (if not all) will not seek new terms. We continue to try to recruit, but a lack of active leadership participation is leading to fewer activities which in turn is leading to people hesitant to step forward for leadership. It is a challenge that other branches, we know, are also facing.
Celebrate Women’s History Month
The National Women’s History Alliance has adopted the theme for 2024 “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.”
On March 21, 2024, the Maryland Commission for Women will induct five extraordinary women into the Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame, and five exceptional students will receive the Maryland Young Women Leaders Awards. Visit www.marylandwomen.org, on March 21 for more information on the five Hall of Fame honorees:
- The Honorable Adrienne Jones, Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates
- The Honorable Susan Lee, Maryland Secretary of State
- The Honorable Brooke Lierman, Maryland Comptroller
- The Honorable Aruna Miller, Maryland Lieutenant Governor
- The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Emerita
Maryland Women Face Persistent Wage Gaps
As Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller was quoted by the Baltimore Sun, the Maryland Department of Labor report released March 12, “pours a whole lot of sunlight on the gender pay gap.” The Department illuminated trends and details from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data for 2008 through 2022. A few details are included here.

Comparing overall five-year averages, Maryland women are paid more than women nationwide, but the gains from 2008-12 through 2018-2022 have been just a few pennies. The variation by race and ethnicity is notable. Maryland’s Black or African American women are paid a penny less for every dollar than their nationwide counterparts, and Maryland’s American Indian and Alaska Native Women earn twenty cents less for every dollar than their nationwide counterparts.

The report also found variation among counties: Women in Prince George’s County earned $1.08 for every dollar paid to men! Baltimore City ($0.95 per dollar) was the only other county to exceed the state average of $0.86 per dollar. Montgomery County women equaled the state average (as did Maryland Asian women) . All other counties were below the state average. You can see the full report at https://www.labor.maryland.gov/labor/wages/equalpaydayreport.pdf.
Mark Your Calendar!
- On or before April 1st Make your donation to the NCCWSL Maryland Woman of Distinction fund in honor of our 2024 Woman of Distinction Dian Belanger. Our goal is a donation of $25 per member and $35 from each board member.
- April 20th AAUW MD Spring Convention hosted by the Kensington-Rockville branch in Rockville Maryland. Dinner Friday April 19 at Farmsook Thai Kitchen. Convention begins Saturday, Apr 20, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Signup at Eventbrite or mail registration form (below) by April 6 for best rate.
- May 14 Maryland Primary Election (Early voting May 2 through May 9 in the county where you live.) Registered voters have always been able to vote during early voting, but now individuals who are eligible but not yet registered can register and vote. To register and vote during early voting, go to an early voting center in the county where you live and bring a document that proves where you live. This document can be your MVA-issued license, ID card, or change of address card, or your paycheck, bank statement, utility bill, or other government document with your name and new address. You will be able to register to vote and vote. See the State Board of Elections website for more information.
- June 22 1pm Transition Board Meeting at Christine Schmitz’ home in Sykesville.
- July 20th AAUW MD Summer Conference hosted by AAUW Baltimore at the Maryland Nonprofits Headquarters in Baltimore. The Maryland Nonprofits organization helps nonprofits throughout Maryland collaborate, share best practices, and work to improve the quality of life in Maryland. See https://www.marylandnonprofits.org/about-maryland-nonprofits/ for details about this group.
- September 27th-29th AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference in Glen Allen, VA, at the Virginia Crossings Resort https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/ricupup-virginia-crossings-hotel-and-conference-center/ This will be a fabulous location and an engaging conference. Our goal is to have at least two members per branch in attendance! Find a carpooler and we will see you there! This regional event will take the place of our usual fall meeting. Questions? Contact Carol Mueller carolaauw@gmail.com Dian Belanger dobelanger@comcast.net or Tracy Lantz tklantz@verizon.net
- Click here to download the registration form for the AAUW MD 2024 Convention.